Top 10 '3D-Animated' Movies

Thanks alot for all your responses and comments on my previous posts, i want to start a 'top-list' series of posts which every blogger is tempted to post! So starting off with something i'm dedicated to.... Top 10 '3D-Animated' Movies Technicalities : An animated feature film is defined as a motion picture with a running time of at least 70 minutes, in which movement and characters' performances are created using a frame-by-frame technique. In addition, a significant number of the major characters must be animated , and animation must figure in no less than 75 percent of the picture's running time. 10) Madagascar (2005): Madagascar is one of the funniest movies ever-made. It has some amazing voice-over artistes which lend it a big-movie feel. Animation is an unconventional mix of 2d and real-life which is visible in both original and sequel. This is one of those popcorn movies, which you are never tired of watching again and again. 9) Th...