
Showing posts from January, 2010

Top 10 '3D-Animated' Movies

Thanks alot for all your responses and comments on my previous posts, i want to start a 'top-list' series of posts which every blogger is tempted to post! So starting off with something i'm dedicated to.... Top 10 '3D-Animated' Movies  Technicalities : An animated feature film is defined as a motion picture with a running time of at least 70 minutes, in which movement and characters' performances are created using a frame-by-frame technique. In addition, a significant number of the major characters must be animated , and animation must figure in no less than 75 percent of the picture's running time. 10) Madagascar (2005):  Madagascar is one of the funniest movies ever-made. It has some amazing voice-over artistes which lend it a big-movie feel. Animation is an unconventional mix of 2d and real-life which is visible in both original and sequel. This is one of those popcorn movies, which you are never tired of watching again and again. 9)  Th...

Pulsar vs Unicorn

How i chose My Bike between Bajaj Pulsar 200 and Honda Unicorn. This is my archived post on which got deleted in server crash, so am posting it again. This post is purely based on my experience and observations, so please don't start brand-wars and try to keep it clean . January 2008: I finally convinced my parents that i can ride a bike safe enough and started a tedious hunt for a good/reliable bike under 75k ( non-flexible ,which nullified heavyweights like ZMA and P220) I was pretty much head-over-heels on P200 and was in no mood to compromise and go for any other bike, i closely followed P200 thread here on xBhp and was in touch with Sandeep K Ram ("Bike Advice Guru" as i like to call him, most of the seniors here know him very well. He "formerly" owned a P200, Now has a ZMA). After numerous chats with him, i was convinced to give some other bikes a try. I went to various showrooms and short-listed 3 bikes namely RTR 160 Carb, P200 (didn...

PMP vs Multimedia Phone!

Have you noticed how many "Ipod vs Cowon" or "Ipod Touch vs Cowon S9" or 'to be more geeky' "Ipod Touch 3G 16GB vs Cowon S9 16GB" videos have surfaced on video sites like youtube, googlevideos; to name a few. As am sure, most of you "Gadget freaks" like me, love watching these "comparison" videos. We always prepare ourselves, by comparing such products, in advance, so that when time comes we make a right decision and buy the "winner". But is it so? Are these reviews, previews and comparisons enough to make up our minds about investing a large sum of money into some gadget, that we may not use for more than 2-3 years at maximum (2-3 months being minimum). For e.g. I am currently stuck in a dilemma on whether to invest in a decent multimedia phone or a pmp ( Portable Multimedia Player for the non-geeks) . I own a 5 year old albeit very well working Sony Ericsson W900i. Yeah i know some of you thinking that calling m...

Avatar 3D

I've had this account with Blogger for two years now, but i seldom felt like writing; partly because i was too lazy and partly because i felt it wasn't that important to share. But today after Watching AVATAR 3D for third time i had to share what i feel and couldn't think of anything better to start with. Avatar is what you dream. Not a fairy tale, not a comic sci-fi, but a real-life adventure which is etched into your mind. Pandora, which is home to the Na'vi race in the movie, is what we have as visuals in our brain when we think of dreams. I would not delve into story much as most of the human race has watched it already and for those who haven't; please watch it regardless of anything; this is not a movie, this is not something that i like and you may not, this is something which connects the masses, and that is defined as cinematic experience. Every single object is rendered with such detail that you want to watch it again and again, to notice that thing yo...